Watch We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) Online Free Streaming

Watch We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: We Need to Talk About Kevin
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 52m
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller, Mystery
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Summary We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)

Kevin's mother struggles to love her strange child, despite the increasingly dangerous things he says and does as he grows up. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined.

Eva's a mother trying to piece together her life following an incident caused by her odd child, Kevin. Once a successful writer, she's forced to take whatever comes her way, in spite of the increasingly bizarre and dangerous things Kevin says, or does.

Synopsis We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)

The beginning of the film is interspersed with flashbacks of Eva during her pregnancy with Kevin, the family before Kevin committed the shooting, and the shooting itself.

Eva Khatchadourian was once a successful travel writer who now lives alone in a remote town, haunted by a traumatic memory from her past. One morning, she wakes up to find that her house and car have been covered in red paint. She attempts to clean the windshield of her car before getting in and driving off. As she drives through her neighborhood, several passersby regard her with scorn.

Eva applies for a job at a travel agency. The hiring manager tells her that she doesn't care about Eva's qualifications, but she can have the job as long as she knows how to type and file. Eva accepts the job and leaves the agency smiling. She is approached by two other women, one of whom cynically comments on Eva's happy expression, slaps her, and shouts profanities at her before walking away. A passerby rushes up to check on Eva and offers to call the police, but she hastily dismisses his concerns.

Eva's boss tells her that she needs a stack of papers processed by the afternoon, but Eva reminds her that she's taking the afternoon off. She later goes to a prison center where she is greeted by one of the security guards, Al. She sits down to visit her son, Kevin. The two sit in silence as Kevin bites his nails, and lines up the discarded fingernails in a row along the table. As Eva is leaving, officers subdue another prisoner, who screams at them to leave him alone, swearing his innocence, and begs Eva for help; at the behest of Al, she ignores them.

The film then cuts to a flashback sequence of Eva giving birth to Kevin; the nurse tells her to "stop resisting" as she screams in pain. Once the newborn Kevin is delivered, her husband Franklin holds him and looks at him affectionately as Eva merely sits and stares at the wall. Some time later, she is bouncing a baby Kevin and smiling at him while the baby continues to wail, visibly frustrating her. Franklin wakes Eva up from a nap and goes to pick up baby Kevin despite Eva begging him not to; much to her shock, Kevin does not cry or fuss when being held by Franklin.

Back in the present, Eva is at a grocery store. She places a carton of eggs in her cart before seeing a woman she recognizes and hiding behind a nearby shelf. After she goes unnoticed, she returns to shopping. When paying for her items, the cashier opens the carton and sees that all twelve eggs have been broken. Eva sees the same woman glaring at her and says she'll purchase the eggs anyway despite the cashier's protests. Through another flashback, it is revealed that the woman from the grocery store is the mother of one of Kevin's victims.

Another flashback scene shows Eva playing with a young Kevin. She encourages him to speak, but Kevin sits in silence. When she rolls him a red ball and asks him to roll it back, he ignores her. She later takes him to a doctor to have his ears checked, assuming that his incessant screaming as an infant may have damaged his hearing, but the doctor assures her that Kevin's hearing is fine. She mentions that reluctance to speak is indicative of autism, but the doctor denies this as well, claiming Kevin doesn't exhibit any other autistic traits. Later, when she rolls a ball to him again, he complies in rolling it back, much to her delight. Her attempts at getting him to speak, however, continually fail; he flat-out refuses to call her "mommy," telling her "no" instead.

Back in the present, it is Halloween, and a group of rowdy kids in costume bang on Eva's door and windows, demanding candy while she turns all her lights off and hides in a corner. They manage to throw rotten food at her fridge through a window that has been left open. This is interspersed with a flashback scene of Eva directly telling Kevin she resents him while Franklin watches in disappointment. Later, the family goes house-hunting upon Franklin's insistence that Kevin needs more space to move around, despite Eva claiming she doesn't want to leave New York. In the present, Eva, while on her lunch break, is greeted by a young man in a wheelchair named Soweto. Soweto tells her his doctors have told him that he has a chance of regaining his ability to walk, and tells to her take care of herself before leaving. It is then revealed that Soweto was another one of Kevin's victims - though he survived the shooting, his injuries made him permanently lose use of his legs.

Another flashback reveals young Kevin walking in on Eva performing fellatio on Franklin before telling him that he defecated in his bed. Franklin gets out of bed to help him, while Eva pretends to go to sleep. Later, Eva has covered her bedroom wall in maps. Kevin enters the room and tells her the maps look "dumb." Eva says she decorated the room to match her personality, and offers to do the same for him; he only says, "What personality?" Later, she discovers that Kevin has used a squirt gun to cover her bedroom walls in paint. In a fit of rage, she destroys the gun by stomping on it repeatedly. Kevin watches her with a satisfied smile on his face. Franklin scolds him that night, then tells Eva that Kevin feel remorse for his actions, and was only trying to help make the room special.

Back in the present, Eva motions to a scar on Kevin's arm and asks if he remembers how he acquired it. He responds that it was the most honest thing she ever did. In another flashback, Eva tries to teach Kevin how to count, but he rebukes her by counting all the way up to fifty. Frustrated, she writes a math problem on a piece of paper and asks him to solve it, but he crumples the paper into a ball and tosses it against the wall. He proceeds to defecate in his diaper, further angering her as he smiles sarcastically. She changes him, only for him to immediately defecate in the fresh one. Blinded by rage, she throws Kevin against the wall, inadvertently breaking his arm. While driving him home from the hospital, she apologizes to Kevin. When Franklin notices Kevin's arm in a sling and asks what happened, Kevin explains that he had fallen off his changing table while Eva went to retrieve fresh wipes to change his diaper. Eva tries to accept responsibility for the incident but Franklin comforts her, saying she can't watch Kevin every second of every day. As the couple sits on the couch that night, they hear the flushing of the toilet upstairs; Franklin is thrilled, saying whatever methods Eva used to potty train Kevin must have been effective. She goes into Kevin's room that night and tells him she loves him, but he resists. Kevin uses the incident to manipulate Eva into doing things he wants, threatening to tell Franklin the truth if she does not comply.

One morning, Kevin comments on Eva's weight gain. Franklin realizes that she is pregnant and scolds her for not having told him earlier. Eva later tries to explain the concept of pregnancy to Kevin; he shocks her by asking if she's referring to "fucking" and revealing that he already knows how sexual intercourse works. She tells him that even if he doesn't enjoy having a new baby brother or sister, he's going to have to get used to it. A few months later, Eva and Franklin's daughter, Celia, is born. When Kevin visits her at the hospital, he flicks water in her face. Franklin leaves with him to go to the cafeteria as Eva tries to comfort the crying baby girl.

Eva tries to confront Franklin regarding her concerns with Kevin's behavior, though Franklin makes up excuses for him. Later, a sick Kevin vomits on the floor; Eva cleans up the stain, comforting him when he apologizes. That night, she reads him a chapter from Robin Hood as he lies in bed. He cuddles up to her and doesn't resist when she strokes his hair or kisses his forehead; it is the first time he has ever shown her any form of affection. Back in the present, Eva is visited in her home by two Christian missionaries. They ask her if she knows where she'll be spending the afterlife. She tells them she is going straight to Hell before closing the door. Another flashback reveals that Franklin has bought Kevin a toy archery set. Later, as he grows into a teenager, this becomes a real archery set, and Kevin has proven to be a very skilled archer. In the present, Eva awakens from a nap to find that Kevin is on TV, talking about how shallow people's lust for entertainment has become and claiming that he wouldn't have attracted national attention if he was just an average student.

More flashbacks illustrate the teenage Kevin's relationship with Celia, and his consistent mistreatment of her - he ties her up and gags her with tinsel, attacks her with a vacuum cleaner, verbally berates her, and rejects all forms of affection from her. In one instance, Eva accidentally enters Kevin's room while he is masturbating, but he doesn't seem bothered; instead, he maintains eye contact with her as he continues. In the present, Eva attends a Christmas party at her office. She is invited by her coworker, Colin, to dance, but when she rejects him, he insults her, and she leaves. In another flashback, Eva and Celia see Kevin standing outside of a bookstore, where he stares at a poster of his mother's newly released book. Upon being noticed by them, he disappears. When Eva asks him about it later that evening, Kevin denies having been there. She then invites him to do something together "for fun" that Friday evening, which he agrees to, surprisingly enough. They play miniature golf together that Friday; when Eva makes comments on the obesity of several other players, Kevin tells her she has a tendency to be "harsh," and when she calls him out on his hypocrisy, he agrees with her, telling her, "wonder where I got it from."

Eva takes Kevin out to dinner that same night. When she attempts to make small talk with him, he responds snidely and comments on her shallow attempts at bonding with him. Later, she snoops in his room and finds a CD marked "I love you." in Sharpie. Curious, she inserts it into her computer, only for it to become infected with a virus. She confronts him and asks why he has it; he simply answers that he "collects them" and that there is no real point to him owning the CDs. For Christmas, Franklin gifts Kevin a series seven bow, supposedly the "best one in the store" as promised by the merchant. Some time later, Celia's pet guinea pig, Snuffles, goes missing. Franklin and Eva spend the whole night looking for him, to no avail. Eva explains to Celia that Snuffles has gone to live in the garden, though secretly she suspects Kevin is behind it. She then uses a caustic drain cleaner to clear a blockage in a sink.

The scene cuts to Franklin and Eva sitting in a hospital waiting room. Franklin asks Eva why she left the cleaner out, but Eva promises that she didn't. She then says Kevin was the one responsible for the incident, but Franklin angrily dismisses her. In the present, Eva waits in the visitor's room at the incarceration center to visit Kevin. Another woman sits down next to her. When the woman begins crying, Eva holds her hand to comfort her, which the woman responds to. Another flashback shows the family, minus Celia, sharing dinner. Eva thanks Kevin for calling an ambulance, but snidely implies that he may have been responsible for the incident since he was supposed to be taking care of Celia. Franklin assures Kevin that they don't want him to blame himself for the incident. It is then revealed that Celia has been blinded in one eye by the cleaning fluid and is going to need to wear a glass one in its place. Franklin says he would appreciate Kevin defending Celia against any bullying her glass eye may warrant, but Kevin says Celia simply needs to learn to cope with it on her own. Another scene shows Eva cleaning Celia's wound, revealing a bandage completely covering her right eye. Later, as Celia and her parents watch TV, Kevin invites her to watch him practice his archery, but Eva forbids it.

Later, Eva and Franklin discuss plans to divorce. When Franklin jokes that custody is a "no-brainer," Eva asks him if he's already decided; Franklin says there was "nothing left to decide; it already happened." Kevin clears his throat nearby, revealing that he has been listening in on their conversation. Franklin quickly tries to backpedal, saying Kevin likely misunderstood due to hearing the conversation out of context; Kevin replies that he is the context. A few days later, Kevin receives a package in the mail full of bicycle locks. When Eva asks him what they are for, he responds that he bought them for cheap online and plans to make money by selling them to other students at school. Eva and Franklin touch each other affectionately as they lay in bed that night.

The next morning, Franklin lovingly plays with Celia as Kevin eats breakfast. Eva says Kevin's forehead feels clammy and asks him if he's feeling alright, but Kevin assures her he's never felt better. She mentions that his sixteenth birthday is approaching and asks if they should do something to commemorate it, but he responds that he may be busy. Later, while at work, Eva leaves a voicemail to Franklin, telling him she loves him and that she wants their marriage to work, offering to discuss it later when the kids aren't home. One of Eva's officemates enters and reveals that something has happened at Gladstone High, the school Kevin attends. Once she arrives, she discovers that a school shooting has occurred, and that Kevin was the perpetrator; he used the bicycle locks to trap several other students in the school's gymnasium, where he murdered them with his bow and arrow. Eva watches in horror as Kevin is arrested by police, while Kevin looks at her with a satisfied smile on his face.

Eva returns home to a silent, empty house. She finds a door open and discovers Franklin and Celia's bloodied bodies on the grass, both having been killed by Kevin with his bow before he went to the school. Back in the present, Eva is visiting Kevin in prison again. She tells him he doesn't look happy, to which he responds he has never. It is revealed that Kevin is soon to turn eighteen and will be transferred to an adult prison, and that it's the two year anniversary of when he committed the massacre. Eva pleads with him to tell her why he did it. He responds, "I used to think I knew, now I'm not so sure." The guard tells them their time is up. Eva hugs Kevin; he does not reciprocate the hug, but does not reject it. The final shot of the movie is Eva walking down the prison hallway.
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